The Blended Mists
Happy Home
Energy Clearing Mist for Home, Cars and Creating Sacred Space
Happy Home Clearing Mist
This Mist was made as a tool for me to use in My Practice as a Kinesiologist and Reiki Practitioner. Clears and Balances Earth Energy around, under and in the Home via Earth Meridians and Chakras. Allows a greater connection to your personal "Spirit of Place" ( Energetic Guardian of your Home and Property) to help you bring Harmony to all those who live in the Home or on the Property, People, Plants Animals and Energetic Beings.
Useful for :
Clearing a New Home or as a House Warming Present.
Clearing the home on a weekly basis, bringing harmony.
Instead of burning white sage.
Can be used as a personal Aura Mist especially when working in a team environment.
Before and After any Energy Healing.
Before and After Meditation.
Clearing Space for Energy or Ritual Work.
The Mantra that Came with This Mist :
"My Home is Calm, Clear, Peaceful and Protected "
This Mist is infused with :
The Hydrosol of:
Lavender – Soothing, Calming and Promoting Healing.
Tasmanian Salt Bush - Atriplex cineria – Cleansing and Clearing.
The Flower Essences of:
Blue Rosemary - Remembering that there are different points of view.
Divine Pink Water Lily - I Honour Myself.
Pink Lavender - Be Gentle with Ourselves and Others,
Dandelion Dodecahedron- Integration of all parts to a harmonious Whole.
Ocean Goddess - Cleansing and connection to our emotional wisdom.
Pomegranate - Protection, Abundance and Joy.
Red Flame Tree - The Brilliance of our own Majesty.
Pink Lotus - Seeing the issues clearly through the emotional waters.
The Essential Oils which Gently Compliment this Mist are :
Peppermint Geranium – ( Pelargonium tomentosum) The Earthiness of geranium balances and grounds us. The freshness of the peppermint helps to clear the connection between Earth Star and Soul Star Chakras.
Rose Geranium - ( Pelargonium graveolens) Balancing, Calming and Rejuvenating especially to the Heart Chakra.
Lavender – ( Lavandula sp ) Soothing, Calming and Promoting Healing.
Clary Sage - ( Salvia sclarea) Grounding, Uplifting and Inspiring.
The Journey for Me :
I made this mist to help me when doing house and land clearings. The main issues I came up against were a lack of communication to the land and the elemental beings that resided there. Often houses were put up or land was cleared, or changes were made without communication of intent or co-operation with theses beings. This lead to a disconnect of purpose for the time/space. When a dialogue was opened, it was easy to remedy the situation so that all resident beings gained what they needed to thrive.
This mist also became useful to my clients to use at home to help enhance communication and cooperation between all residents.
The Journey For You :
I hope that in creating this mist, you will find that it helps you to find a balance and cooperative view to help calm all beings in your time/space.
Many Flower Blessings
The Artwork for the Card and Label is from a beautiful local artist in Penguin Sue Roberston.
The feeling I had when I saw the painting was exactly how I feel when working with Happy Home.
See her Portfolio Here